Wednesday, February 25, 2009

~No Pain...No Gain~ Article written by Dranreb Lucero - JIL Regina WAM Head~

It was such an overwhelming experience of witnessing the mighty move of God in bringing newcomers to Jesus is Lord Church Regina, SK rapidly. I've noticed in a matter of two months, significant number of people were becoming new members of our church. A far better growth compared to the past couple of years. Praise the Lord! Some are new converts and others were long time Christians freshly arrived from the Philippines looking for a Filipino church in Regina. Most of them employed on working visas under contractual basis. And recently, two new nurses participated in our cell group came to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. Remarkably that day a total of fifteen people attended our cell group as our highest ever since.The new comers were blessed and comforted in praying for their needs and for the warm fellowship we had together. I am so excited and inspired for this kind of opportunity God is bringing us in reaching the "lost" for Christ. A mandate that every believer must be passionate about. I'm expecting more from God about greater things that has to come not only in our church but also to our families, communities and in our city. At present our city of Regina became the number one strongest economy among large cities in Canada. Inspite of global recession we are least affected by unemployment rate and yet, job opportunities remain strong; more contract workers like Nurses and welders are keep coming from the Philippines and housing markets remains stable.. Intramigration of people from different provinces like Alberta and Ontario are coming to Saskatchewan because of job opportunities. All these were happening because God is bringing a new wave of Revival in our province. Same scenario was happening to our church right now. I sense that God is bringing JIL Regina to a higher level of commitment, an exponential church growth or expansion as a vision God is preparing us for. But the biggest challenge however is a matter of how His people respond to this vision. Our dream of achieving this can only be materialized once we've learned to internalize the true passionate love for the "lost" and commit ourselves to assume greater roles or responsibilities in promoting the Kingdom of God. More prayer, hard work and sacrifices are costs for "Greater Harvest in God's Kingdom, greater harvest in our cell groups. If we are more willing for God he can trust us with more. As the biblical principle says...
"What you Sow is What you Reap" No Pain, no Gain.."

Dear Lord, help us to be more compassionate in bringing the people to Your Kingdom for them to expereince Your greatness and overflowing - love! Amen...